Bhadrawati city is in Chandrapur distric of Maharastra.This city is Tahasil of chandrapur. Bhadrawati city is east side of Maharastra boundry. There people occupation is most of servant of Government employee of Ordnance Factory and Western Coal Mines. There have a lot of good place to see. For example Ganesh Temple, Nag Temple, Jain Temple, Buddha Cave, Bhavani Temple etc. Bhadrawati is famous for their temple. A lot of people come every year to see this spot. Some people come for their religious believe at this place and some people to see this place. Bhadrawati is good place to see for their ancient temple. This temple is very ancient.
Bhadrawati is settle on Nagpur to Chandrapur highway. Chandrapur is 154 km from Nagpur and Bhadrawati is 128 km from Nagpur before Chandrapur.
People can come to Bhadrawati through Bus or Railway.Both travel facility available to come Bhadrawati.
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